GPS Ontario Logo

Bringing Advanced Precision Agriculture Solutions to life.

GPS Ontario is here to make your Precision Agriculture solutions a reality, from Advanced hardware solutions to fully integrated Data Management offerings, we have you covered.

About us

We use the best technology to deliver the industries, best service.

Technology can be challenging, but the simple things can make the most advanced of solutions less challenging. Our dedicated team has the knowledge experience and training to bring your farm from simple guidance systems straight through to a data management solution with advanced product control and monitoring. Our farm on boarding process and optional on farm sight assessment system will allow us to help you resolve your farms challenges quickly and easily.

Our Industry Solutions

Intelligent, simple and precise systems

Intelligent, simple and precise systems

All data displayed in a simple Dashboard

The Trimble Ag Software, allows you to view, manage, analysis, and make real time decisions across 1 platform simply and precisely. Establishing a full farm cost of production with ease.

Precisely gather, map, monitor and evaluate yield

The Trimble Agriculture Yield Cleaner, quickly post process's your farm yield data to ensure that you have the most precise report card to properly grade your seasons performance.

Intelligent Spray Control Systems

Automatic Rate and Section Control allows us to Apply accurately and reduce overlap of expensive chemicals

Plant with Precision

Every Seed Counts, and ensuring that you know that every seed is placed accurately matters, knowing whats going on before the seeds planted is important

Control the right amount of fertilizer

Fertilizer is costly, placing it at the right rate and the right timing is important and we can help!

Crop input control system

Control of everything from liquid to granular to seed, we have the solutions to monitor and record what you have going on !

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